Monday, July 25, 2011


Now I've got a few friends that have been running for quite a ling time. All are telling me not to run in cotton socks, but instead run in a poll-blen breathing or dry-fit type sock. These kind of socks aren't cheap... some run up to $7-$10 a pair. Too much for me. I found some Starter brand performance socks that are 3 pair for $6. So far so good. So if you feel you need the dri-fit sweat wicking type of gear and you don't care about "brand name" stuff, check out the Starter stuff at Wat-Mart. I usually hate Wat-Mart, but I'm a 35 year old man...I care a lot more now about saving money than looking cool in the "right" brands!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Couch to 5k

I started the couch to 5k ten week training program about a month ago. So far its going okay, shin splints are starting to pop in but nothing to bad. I'm up to a 11 minute jog without stopping and there are times with I think I can't go another minute but I finish the job anyway. Now I'm a 6'2"...285lbs guy so this is a big deal to me. New running shoes, Puma Vectana 2 should be coming in this week. I'll let everyone know how they are working. FYI, this will be the second run at getting a good fitting pair of running shoes but I'll save that sorry for another day.